Tuesday, 29 March 2011

spring is springing...............................

Over the last few days I've been amazed at how quickly the trees have started to come to life with all sorts of beautiful little buds and tiny, fresh, new leaves.  The sun has been shining and it's been quite mild although there is still snow on the higher hills and we've had a few frosty nights. 

Trees which were stark and bare a couple of weeks ago are beginning to take on a delicate, pale green, hazy look as their new leaves appear.

Even the colourful lichens on the branches seem to be brighter and I love their wonderful swirls and curls.

This lovely, big shoe has been nailed to the fence for a long time.  It turned up in the field where it was probably lost from a Shire horse working the land many years before we lived here. 


  1. gorgeous photos. Yes, hasn't the weather been great and after a long, hard winter, it's good for the soul! We need it. Every day things are changing, buds opening, birds gathering nest building materials. It's a joy to walk the dog and spot-the-difference!

  2. I love the photos of the lichen what spectacular colours. Yes you are even further North than we are - still I think Spring is here at last. I love every minute of it.

  3. I'm glad it is not just me taking photos of lichen!! I find the forms and frills so intricate and lovely.

    All your photos are wonderful, and full of the hope of Spring, yay!

  4. Hello, I stumbled across your blog this evening and, as a fellow country bumpkin, I'm enjoying it! Beautiful photos in this post. I look forward to reading more :)


  5. Beautiful photos! I, too, have always had a thing for lichens - just gorgeous.

  6. I'm definitely ready for spring! K x

  7. Oh, what wonderful photos! :D
    I see the pup's growing up fast too!

  8. Beautiful Photos! Thanks for this lovely walkthrough.:)

  9. I hope that you don't mind but I have left a little award on my Blog for you. x

  10. Smashing Photaes and the boy is very handsome in the side pics. Hope to see you soon Broonie
