Monday, 21 March 2011

beautiful books............................

The other day I was photographing some old books for a piece of artwork and admiring the beautiful pattern on the spine of one of the books.  Looking along the bookshelves I found several books with pretty embossed designs on the covers and before long I had pulled out a pile of books whose cover designs had caught my eye, so here are some of my favourites.


  1. what lovely details. I have bought old books in the past just for the decorative covers. Love the illustation on the Big Book for Boys - and just the sort of cover that Ferg would go for - really appealling. The embossed patterns are beautiful, a real work of art on their own.

  2. I found my way to you via 'The Quince tree' what gorgeous book covers. Love the crammed bookshelf - girl after my own heart.

  3. The book - as an object - can be such a beautiful thing. You've got some beauties. I studied book-binding years ago, but unfortunately, never took it to the point of tooling and gilding covers. Such an art!

  4. Oh! I love the second one! They just don't make books like that any more. :(

  5. Hi

    Many many thanks for your comments on my blog, you are right of course sentimentality can't come into the economics of farming. I will be in touch re Annie Sloan paint, I feel the need to paint a few dozen things! will probably need some tips.

    Spotted your photos on Flickr and had a peek - gorgeous. Quite a few of my ancestors came from Perthshire, my fathers mother was Scottish.

  6. Loving your posts! Antique book covers can be so beautiful and tactile. I have a few and treasure them.
