Tuesday, 18 January 2011

puddles and puppies............................

The flooding caused by the weekend's torrential rain is slowly draining away although we still have a lot of water lying on the fields and after last night's frost, a lot of it has frozen over!  However, the sun shone today and we had a lovely walk down through the fields and round the great ponds which will hopefully disappear before too long.

Back in October I mentioned that our working beardie collie had his girlfriend to stay while she was in season, and in early December she produced a litter of eight puppies who are now almost seven weeks old.  The plan was always for us to have a puppy from this litter and after several visits we have finally made our choice although we wont bring him home until next week.  There are three dogs in the litter and it was a difficult decision to make as they're all lovely puppies.  A friend in the village is taking one of the bitches and at the moment there are still two puppies available.   We have a few ideas about names, but we'll wait until he's here to decide what really suits him best.



  1. Aaaawwwww! He is lovely. Just shown the children your photo and there was a harmony of aaawwwwws in the kitchen! Good choice. Hope dry out soon.

  2. What a beautiful puppy. My first visit here (from Mrs Squirrel's blog above) and I'm enjoying your wonderful photos.

  3. Hope pup is doing well! Thank you for a lovely lunch last week, we all thoroughly enjoyed it! Must get you a Katie over for lunch soon.
    Marmalade making commenced last night and tasting good! Another batch to be made this week!
    Speak soon,
    L x
