The snow has returned and it's softer and fluffier than ever! Our intrepid milkman (who is also a local farmer) was well prepared when he appeared yesterday evening delivering today's milk in his tractor. The snow wasn't going to beat him - what a service!
When I went out later with the dogs I took this photograph of the greenhouse and my little snow clad witch hazel.
We have finally written all our Christmas cards which is quite efficient for us as some years the last ones are posted AFTER Christmas! However, with the way the postal service has almost ground to a halt it'll probably be February before some of these cards reach their destinations! I can't complain too much because we did get a huge bundle of mail today but one thing did puzzle me and that was the strange postmarks on some of the Christmas cards. One card which would have been posted about five miles away was postmarked Lancashire and South Lakes while another from a neighbouring village had a Plymouth postmark and a card from Inverary was postmarked Windsor! What is happening? Why on earth would mail posted in Perthshire for a Perthshire address end up in various parts of England?
This morning the sun was shining and everything was sparkling so I decided to walk to the village to post the cards and collect the newspapers. This soft powdery snow gets into all the crevices and nooks and crannies and I thought these lodge gates suited their dusting of snow and the gate posts look like they're wearing white bobble hats!
The trees looked lovely with snow clinging to the north faces of their trunks and I liked the way the snow helped to pick out the shapes of the stone in these walls.
I can't resist taking photographs of seedheads. They never fail to fascinate me especially when they're frosted or snow covered.
While in the village I delivered a few Christmas cards then set off for home by a different route which was just as pretty. I came along this road............................
..............................and then down this track which hadn't been walked on so I had the fun of making the first footprints in the snow.
I'm making our Christmas cake ( yes I know it's a bit late but this recipe works well at the last minute) and the timer has just gone off so must go!